Mobile, Wheelchair and Gurney Services Available
Amdal Transport Services specializes in safe and reliable Medical Transport, with staff qualified to assist you or your loved one. Our staff are trained to provide valuable assistance with ambulation, mobility, and transferring.

Reliable Medical Transportation in Tulare and Surrounding Counties
24/7 Medical Transport Services: On-Time and Reliable with Amdal Transport Services
Amdal Transport Services offers safe and reliable medical transportation. We focus on patients needing specialized care. Our skilled and caring team ensures timely transport to medical appointments, including hospitals, clinics, rehab centers, and dialysis centers.
Our modern vehicles are well-maintained and equipped with medical tools like oxygen tanks, suction machines, and patient lifts. Drivers are CPR and first aid certified. Our dispatch team works 24/7 for quick and efficient service.
We understand how important medical transport is. Our goal is to provide a comfortable and stress-free experience for patients and families. Trust Amdal Transport Services for reliable and compassionate care.
Transportation With Care.
We have earned a reputation of being your reliable medical transportation provider. Our number one goal is to help you get to your destination in a safe, timely, and comfortable manner.

Mobile Transportation

Wheelchair Transportation

Gurney/Stretcher Transportation

We Care About You

Our services cater to those with challenging and limited mobility needs. We have different vehicle types to meet your needs whether it be a small SUV, a Wheelchair Van or a Gurney/Stretcher Van. Our vehicles can hold additional passengers for your journey and are equipped with UV-C lights to reduce viral and bacterial germs.
Meet Our Team
Compassionate Medical Transport: Ensuring Patient Comfort and Well-being with Amdal
Amdal Transport Services employs friendly, reliable drivers all over the state of California to transport you or your loved
ones wherever they need to go! You can count on our driving team to get you where you need to be timely, safely, and comfortably.

Service Areas
Our Team
Keeping You Safe
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